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(43 People Likes) Why are child looking sex dolls illegal in the US and some other western countries?
Tell everyone in the Sex Doll neighborhood to stay away from a specific house. For me they bother. Although there were a few women. Women who primarily participated in same-sex relationships with minors. With some who have abused boys between the ages of 10 and 15. The majority of those who own dolls say they don’t want to go to jail for possessing child porn, so they have turned to dolls. Many of them also admit that downloading child pronography is likely to lead to further harm to children as it would create demand for a product. And it is only common sense to recognize that children are harmed in the production of child pornography. They are formed primarily of rubber and have metal skeletons. I have some feminist friends who would say that any kind of sex doll is misogynistic and does nothing but teach men how to objectify and rape women. but the logical part, but the logical part of me is also reminding me that no children are harmed in the making of these dolls, and while the dolls are being used as the primary “exhaust valve” for the idle hands of these pedophiles. Many of these pedophiles have these toys. Many of them have made verifiable testimonies that they were violently or habitually raped and abused as children, causing lasting psychological damage. Keep in mind that the only ones I have dealt with have dealt with others who have no criminal record and have not harmed a child, with the exception of one person who moved here from the EU with a criminal record. Prior to the arrest/conviction he held dual citizenship. Through years of counseling, he was able to admit to me that while child pronography fueled his desire to do the real thing with real children, an imaginary relationship with a doll was therapeutic and helpful. My colleagues and I have discussed the deleterious effects of encouraging a patient to enter a state of psychosis in which they begin to truly believe that these inanimate objects are real people. Our opinions were inconclusive and I sincerely hope that a major university will conduct an official study soon. But the way I see it, it all depends on the person. For some people, the dolls are therapeutic and discourage them from harming real children. For other people who lack self-control, nothing short of a living breath
(32 likes) What is an example of someone going too far with political correctness?
unable to teach math. The school accused the teacher of violating the Equality and Discrimination Policy. Joshua is a little unhappy with the school’s accusation. don’t look at me like that I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering if the teacher made a racist, homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, sexist, or Nazi remark, right? nope Nothing like that. Joshua was doing something much more serious. He… used the wrong gender when addressing a student. What do you think, Rafinha? You see… The students in his class were working in groups, happy and content, just like any other day. Our friend and esteemed teacher walked around the classroom, carefully observing how the students interacted with each other while doing their homework. At one point, Joshua passed a group of (apparently) girls. Can you imagine the totally inappropriate comment he made? “Very good, girl!” YES, CREATURE! EXACTLY! The teacher lost his job for praising or positively commenting on the work of a group of his students. The problem is that one of the students identified herself as a boy, although she didn’t show up at first. Ok honest mistake. He/she corrected the teacher right there, which was fair, right? Joshua apologized and called the boy by his fondness, and that was to be the end of it. Joshua’s school policy is to call students exclusively with the appropriate pronoun or the name chosen by the student. The idea is that this would avoid problems or the occasional misunderstanding. In that case, Joshua should have followed that rule to the end. The boy, dissatisfied with only complaining to the teacher, went home and told his parents what had happened at school. The parents were outraged and went to the school to complain. The school then decided to suspend the teacher. The reproach? An honest mistake about a student’s gender, and worst of all, calling him (the student) by his name (which is forbidden by school policy) instead of the chosen pronoun. Folks… There is an inability of humans to de-escalate situations like this. Or to accept that honest mistakes and apologies in social relationships are normal, acceptable and recommended for good social interaction. A simple situation that could have been resolved between the teacher and the student has turned into a snowball so uncontrolled that now, instead of an apology and a return to a normal and productive life, we literally have the whole world out of it know, a hyper-unnecessary exposure of those involved, a group of young students who lose a teacher mid-term, and a completely avoidable lawsuit against the school. The teacher apologized. But the boy didn’t accept or only pretended to accept. The parents threatened to bring the case to the newspapers. And the school gave in. What did the parents get out of it? Revenge? Against what? For what? Like, explain to me, how did the boy or anyone else involved win in this case? Using too much “political correctness” to satisfy just a few inflated egos is why a 27-year-old lost the dream job he’d spent years of his life training for. Very sad episode that reflects well how some values in society are changing for the worse. EDIT: Ok, mea culpa. Apparently the guy repeated the offense after this episode. Sad. However, I stick to my starting point: people should learn to defuse themselves
(40 People Likes) What would happen if someone invented a sex doll that could give more pleasure than any woman? Would there be more decent men in the dating scene?
the eternally likable Karl Urban, who plays a cop working with an android, played by the underrated Michael Ealy. In one of the episodes, they investigate a crime involving intimate robot companions, aka “sexbots” (“Almost Human” Skin (2013 TV episode)). Watching this episode really got me thinking. I mean, imagine being able to order a female robot tailored to your specifications (looks, height, weight, cup size, attitude, personality). How would this change human relationships and the dating scene? real sex doll teens How about men no longer felt like they had to go to bars and spend a ton of money to have sex when they had a “wife” at home who was always ready, able, and giving them just the thing of sex they want without judgment or shame? How about for women to have a “man” to touch and fuck them just how they want without ever having to worry about them taking it too far, hurting them (unless they want to) or violate their consent? Are we becoming more withdrawn? Will large swathes of the population just stop looking for a companion and embrace robotic society instead? Since their physical companionship is already covered, will people enter the dating scene for the “right” reasons and only pursue real relationships? These are excitins
(87 People Likes) What is your choice between a big breasted sex doll and a flat breasted sex doll? Why?
of extra things that you can’t with a flat like breasts etc etc. Some of these things can be enjoyed while hugging from behind. And best of all – cleavage. W real sex doll teens You want to miss all the fun of a cleavage, your fingers, hand, fa
(21 Likes) Are some people better off alone? both romantic and platonic?
it doesn’t bother me that they’re gone. It depends on how you mean this question, so I’ll answer in two ways. These are people who have chosen to be alone because they want to be, but in your question details you are not talking about being alone, you are talking about being excluded from society. I don’t notice the wording chosen, and probably for good reason, but that’s what you’re implying. Just because someone is difficult doesn’t mean they’re better off locked up somewhere or cast out. I just used this example in a previous answer, but it’s appropriate to reuse it now. Blanche Monnier was a woman who fell in love with her neighbor. Her mother did not approve, believing that the low-paid lawyer was not worthy of her daughter and forbade the relationship. Blanche ignored her mother and chose the man she loved. Hard to say, nobody likes disobedient children. So her mother locked Blanche in her room for twenty-five years to force her to change her mind and not deal with her until she did. The lawyer has since died, but her mother wouldn’t let Blanche out. Had it not been for someone reporting that they suspected the missing Monnier girl was locked in the house, she would have died there, locked away from everyone because she was difficult and her mother didn’t want to deal with her. Blanche Monnier’s Pitiful Captivity Just because you don’t like the way a person is doesn’t mean they’ve lost their basic human rights to dignity and respect. Unless they have committed a crime or are dangerous to themselves or others, they have all the rights you have. If you don’t mind being cast out because they don’t like who you are, then don’t wish it on others. However, if you ask if, because YOU have difficulties with others, would it be better for others if you retired and went alone, difficulties for whom exactly. A lot of people want to hang me by my toenails and hit me with sticks because I’m a psychopath. I didn’t do anything to them, they just don’t like the fact that we exist. But I have people I get along with really well. If you worry about how others will react to you, forget it. If they don’t like you, go crazy for them. They don’t have to, someone else will like you just the way you are. There are different types of people in this world and it takes them all to keep the world interesting. You don’t get along with this group? There’s a lot more to try. If you’re struggling to maintain relationships, there are things you can do to improve those aspects of your life. If you need it, seek that help, find people who understand you, live a happy life. Just because you feel like you’re having a bad effect on people doesn’t mean they think so too
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