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(58 People Likes) What do you think of the company that makes a replica sex doll of your late lover/SO?
a deceased lover.) While I can understand why some people (males and females) would want to masturbate with a sex doll, it seems kind of odd to me. It would be like bumping a pillow that happens to look like a person, or maybe a corpse or a drugged/unconscious person just lying there letting you do things. Then of course after you’re done there would be some cleanup that would kill any kind of ‘mood’ that was achieved. No, that doesn’t appeal to me. If I were to masturbate, either looking at pictures/videos or having an image/thought/memory of someone in my head would work just as well. A sexual partner is special because she’s responsive to what I’m doing, she’s doing things I’m responsive to, and there’s a kind of personal/cerebral connection with her. A doll that just lies there, not responding, not talking, not making any noise, just seems kind of creepy. Now, the doll is a replica of a real person that I had a physical/emotional bond with. How could they do that without photos of every part of the person’s body? Photographs that just wouldn’t exist for many people. Sure they could get the face and hair and normally exposed parts right or a SO, but what about the rest? If I’ve been intimate with a woman, I’d know about that little scar on her stomach from surgery. I would miss that freckle/birthmark/whatever just an inch from her clit. I would know the shape riding male sex doll and color of her nipples and areola. The way she trims/shaves/does nothing with her pubic hair. How could they replicate it all so accurately? Even if they had very personal photos to work with, they couldn’t get the firmness or softness of their breasts just right, and sitting there with a co-worker and describing everything in such detail that they could get it right just wouldn’t something I would do. d agree to this – especially if it is a deceased person who cannot give their consent to this, or an ex who may not want this to be done. Then there’s the cost. And to offset that cost, how was I supposed to know that the parameters wouldn’t be stored in some data store and that someone else somewhere in the world wouldn’t claim them for their own doll, and that’s what I’d always think there are hundreds of other people out there around the world having sex (?) – no, masturbating with a replica of someone special to me. no
(25 People Likes) What mistakes do girls keep making?
“Almost all boys are the same”. They play with your emotions and leave you in the middle of nowhere where especially the attractive and charming ones are. You have several girlfriends. So they use every girl and kick her out. Mistake: Fall in love with a handsome and very charming man. • Girlfriends are the most eager people on this planet, especially your best friend. They find out love, they get eager. They could portray everyone including you as a beast, but in their heart they are always trying to snatch your love away from you. You tell them everything about your life and they only add fuel to the fire by spreading fake news and rumours. Mistake: trusting friends. • She said that for the third man in her life, she argued with her parents every day, especially her mother. She used to be disobedient to them. She broke her ban. She went to parties with guys without their consent. She delivered very rough words and hurt them many times just for these dumb guys. Mistake: Hurting parents just for some stupid friends. • She used to neglect her studies too much. That’s why she reported back in several newspapers. Her other friends got promoted to a new class and she still stayed in the previous class. She wasn’t even focused on her career and future. That’s why she’s depressed right now. Mistake: Choosing boyfriend over career. • Eventually, she became addicted to drugs, which she hid from her parents. Whenever she went to parties with friends, she consumed high doses of alcohol and cocaine. This addiction was passed on to her by her friends. Someone just tells her, “Don’t be childish. You are grown-up. Do it and you will feel relaxed.” After doing that she forgot everything and I think so riding male sex doll The boys tortured her after leaving her in a drug addicted state that she had no memory of. Real Doll Mistake: Addicted due to a friend’s compulsion and to look cool in front of these guys. Girl, you are one of God’s most precious gifts. Don’t spoil yourself just for someone who does
(18 Likes) What are the strangest items hotel staff have left behind from guests?
ll happen sometimes, sometimes with a few hundred cash in them), small trinkets (usually a single earring for some odd reason, rarely both of a pair…), cell phones, especially cell phone chargers (I’ve said some guests are mutant aliens eating TV remotes, but just as many try to compensate a bit by leaving a cell phone charger behind), loose clothing, small electronic items like an MP3 player, the occasional loose grocery item (perhaps a bottle of water or soda). ), toys (usually a stuffed animal, baby doll or teddy bear) – we always find strange things left behind by guests. . . All of a guest’s luggage – not quite, but almost a complete wardrobe. Where it gets really weird is when they never call to claim it back. It’s like the guy with the clothes on his back walked out and never looked back. You’d think we should file a missing person’s report, but we don’t have either the decency or sufficient reason to believe something bad actually happened to him. A fridge full of groceries. Or beer. Or liquor bottles, sometimes unopened. Medical equipment – the occasional oxygen tank and once a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine – one of my family members uses one of these, so I have a pretty good idea of how much they cost… and they can only be gotten from prescription, which is a low price requires an overnight visit to mid four figures for a sleep study…) In cheaper properties, drugs – and enough of them to have street value or to add to your stash if you take drugs – are available in plain sight, complete with paraphernalia. (At one place years ago I checked in a guest who came right back and demanded a refund after finding a used needle in their bedside table. At cheaper places that aren’t too picky about who they rent to, used needles and other paraphernalia found in rooms by housekeepers, and sometimes overlooked, are not uncommon. A near-tragedy occurred at a Motel 6 last year because of just such a thing: a used syringe was left in the floor under the bed, and so on the next guests in This room was a family, a small child was crawling around, found it the hard way and had to be taken to the hospital . . . ) Unopened condom packs, occasional lingerie and the occasional sex toy (all of a sudden an inflatable doll . . .) Also things that in contrast to the usual-usual, “must happen sooner or later”, appear inconspicuous. A weird item left in a room would have to be pretty bizarre or surreal to even be mentioned, let alone make for a war story. For the most part — except for CPAP (unless you or someone close to you has sleep apnea, who knows? Who cares? Who can even identify the device?) and rubber “love dolls,” and there I am not so sure about the inflatable doll – if any of the staff speaks to or mentions it, there is a more experienced person on the staff who has seen it more than once. Most likely items to be reclaimed in Lost & Found: high value items, obviously; and anything with an obvious sentimental value (we ge riding male sex doll say a recall, say a t-shirt, but someone’s going to panic about a ball cap with a certain logo on it. . .) If it is one of these, we will endeavor to contact the guest (each hotel’s policy on this varies). In every case, we wrap it, label it and keep it for thirty days (unless this is obviously inappropriate, such as with perishable food or dirty underwear). After that, the maid who found it can play finder-keeper with it if she wants. We generally require that the guest bears the shipping costs. (Occasional exception: when shipping is next to nothing and it’s clearly a high-value item for an important regular customer, like a checkbook or piece of jewelry, or if it’s a doll or bear
(76 Likes) What does carpooling vehicles (HOV 2+) mean?
s. Some HOV lanes carry almost half of the total number of people carried on the highway. Regular mixed-flow lanes are never converted to HOV lanes. Rather, HOV lanes are always added to existing facilities. Each vehicle traveling in an HOV lane must carry the minimum number of people indicated on the entry signs. Usually this is at least two people, in some cases three people. Each child counts as a resident, but pets, unborn babies, inflatable sex dolls, or ghosts (we’ve heard them all) don’t count. Violators will be fined at least $481. Exceptions: Motorcycles, even those with only one person, are allowed to use the HOV lanes. Some HOV lanes are operational
(35 Likes) Pedophile: Would giving away sex dolls reduce sexual crimes?
Adults as lovers is a mental preference that doesn’t change with maturity, risk awareness or mutual affection in the mind of a silicone sex doll, which is chosen by a small percentage of people worldwide. Feeding this undisputed perception with dolls or pornography is (with this type of diagnosis) an excuse to renew permission. In fact, this diagnosis can only be treated by complete abstinence.
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